ABI’s Guide to MP3 Players

One of the things I really like about www.anythingbutipod.com is that they are always continuing to address, and be responsive to, what their readers are wanting to know. Obviously not every article or post will satisfy everyone, but they offer a very welcoming experience to those who like me, knew… Continue reading

Taste of the Smothers Brothers

Feel like a good laugh? In the mood for humour that’s rooted in family observations, musical and politcal references, and an overall silliness of sparring brothers? Still touring and performing live after more than 50 years, the Smothers Brothers are an amazing comedy duo. They often blend their musical talents… Continue reading

Movies for Dessert

How about a movie to go with that dinner yesterday? A digital dessert of sorts. While not organic, they all do feature living, breathing, organic beings, aka us humans. So with that in mind, here are a few movies available on DVD that may be a little less well known, but that are all among my personal favourites. Continue reading

What's In Dinner?

I saw a commercial today that actually made an interesting point. It spoke of the much greater frequency of the question, “What’s for dinner?” rather than, “What’s in dinner?” Change one simple little preposition and the entire meaning changes. While advertising a product I would still not consider all that… Continue reading

Weeding the Internet

While we now have access to an almost unimaginable wealth of information via the internet, one unavoidable consequence is determining the accuracy of that information. Anyone, and his brother or sister, including me, can proffer information on any number of subjects. The challenge is to weed out the accurate from… Continue reading

Baz Luhrmann’s La Boheme

La Boheme - David Hobson
There is perhaps nothing more subjective than art in its many forms. Two people can look or listen to the same thing, and see or hear a completely different thing. Thankfully, we each get to have our own artistic favourites.

One that I have held dear since I first heard it a few years ago, is Opera Australia’s 1993 production of La Boheme, directed by Baz Luhrmann. Starring David Hobson and Cheryl Barker, it was recorded live and is available on DVD. Continue reading