Spring Cleaning Renewal

Lilac Spring
We often hear how spring is a time of renewal, the beginning of another annual cycle of life. Trees and plants sprout new growth, seeds and cones dropped in the fall begin their growing life, and animals awake from hibernation. And we humans? While we may assist by planting seeds ourselves and tending the burgeoning spring in our yards, gardens, or flower pots, part of our own renewal comes in the form of that annual ritual, spring cleaning.

Birds build nests, and other animals ready their homes for new arrivals. But while other animals have been resting or using up their winter stores of nuts or body reserves, many of us have been continuing to gather. Or at the very least letting what we’ve already gathered go unsorted and pile up in basements, garages, and that ever-popular junk drawer. Maybe it just goes with the territory. That instinctive desire to burrow in and be cozy when winter is upon us. But with the warming up of nature, the chirping of the birds, the sweet smell of lilacs and flowers everywhere, the greening of the trees once again, all is fresh with the world.
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It’s time to join in the fun. Time to sort through the congestion of winter. Clean up, clear out, and clear away what weighs us down. The feeling of ease and revitalization that comes with getting one’s house in order, both literally and figuratively, never ceases to amaze me. But it’s also easy to forget as we journey though the seasons.

Whenever I sort though life’s accumulations, be it in spring or in pseudo spring, I vow, every time, not to let things accumulate again. I promise to keep that proverbial junk drawer ever-sorted, so no spring cleaning is ever necessary again. But you know, maybe it’s not such a bad thing, being unsorted at times. For without that, when would we reassess and renew? If we weren’t faced with spring cleaning, in every way it applies to each of us, if everything already appeared in its proper place, would we have reason to question it? Maybe we’d just go merrily along, same as before. Sorted, but never re-sorted. Not refreshed. I think I would miss that. It wouldn’t feel like spring.

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