Kill-A-Watt to Save Electricity

Until we get those new fangled touchscreens, and hopefully other devices someday, that can be powered from our own human generated electrical energy, purchased electricity remains a necessity. Our best bet at reducing costs, economical and environmental, is reducing consumption. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and that’s quite… Continue reading

Hairy Help for the Gulf of Mexico

Sometimes problems are so big, so overwhelming in scope and devastation, that I simply don’t know where to begin to even start processing the information. The anger, the sadness, the shock just too much. Then again, why should we really be so shocked. Certainly not the first oil spill, and… Continue reading

Digging in the Dirt

Depending on where you live, the soil may or may not be ready for planting. If you’re in the southern hemisphere, winter is fast approaching. But where we are, spring is upon us. When not doing all that cleaning and sorting, or perhaps in place of it if the weather… Continue reading

Spring Cleaning Renewal

We often hear how spring is a time of renewal, the beginning of another annual cycle of life. Trees and plants sprout new growth, seeds and cones dropped in the fall begin their growing life, and animals awake from hibernation. And we humans? While we may assist by planting seeds… Continue reading

Touchscreens to Be Powered by Our Touch

We live in exciting times indeed. Despite being an old soul and loving many things old-fashioned, right at home in the Little House on the Prairie world, there is most definitely an inner geek in me. Absolutely intrigued and captivated by so much of the technological advances that keep on… Continue reading

WePad to Compete with iPad

Choice is good. Both in terms of the act of choosing and as a range of options from which to choose. That’s why I’m so glad to see more and more different tablet computers entering the market. Many owe their success and greater notoriety to Apple. Just as they did… Continue reading

Report Just Released – More on Tilikum

This past Wednesday, the Orlando County Sheriff’s Office released the investigative report into the tragic death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau on February 24th 2010. The medical examiner determined she died of drowning and blunt-force trauma, but for those interested in the gory details, and painful timeline of events, this… Continue reading

Dream Cube at the World Expo 2010

Building better cities for the future is part of the theme of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai. Integral to this is the idea of transformation. One building in particular caught my attention. Designed by ESI Design, the 40,000 square-foot Shanghai Corporate Pavilion opens tomorrow May 1st 2010, and is… Continue reading

Water from Plastic Bottles or the Tap

It’s really interesting, and a walk down memory lane, to be reminded how there was a time not that long ago when the idea of selling bottled water would have been almost laughable. Sure we’ll pay for a bottle of flavoured liquid, but plain ordinary water? Crazy. And yet it’s… Continue reading

The Indestructible Roll-Up Computer Keyboard

As computers advance, it seems we just keep moving smaller. Desktops to laptops to netbooks to tablets. And that’s not even counting the countless phones and PDAs that have teeny keyboards best suited to a newborn size finger or thumb. Greater portability and that ever important cuteness factor are all… Continue reading