Criminal Minds Cast Update – Bad, Good, and New Bad

It’s a fine line to walk sometimes. How long do you wait to comment on a piece of news that’s still evolving? Wait too long and it’s no longer news. Don’t wait long enough and the information could change. Since I’m here writing on the latest Criminal Minds development, I… Continue reading

Criminal Minds Slashes Female Leads

Does someone not want me to watch television anymore? First Law & Order, the original and best in my opinion, gets cancelled just before it breaks the record of 20 years for longest running prime time drama, and now some pretty disturbing cast changes are being made on another favourite,… Continue reading

15th Century Version of Blogs, Facebook, and Twitter

We have been preserving our communications probably as long as we have been. From cave drawings to hieroglyphics to alphabets the world over, languages continue to evolve. Although I suspect many would say it’s devolved a bit since the advent of digital shorthand, IYKWIM (if you know what I mean,… Continue reading

Hope Springs Eternal or a Kernel

I closed yesterday’s post with a mention of hope. Hope that such petitions can effect change, or at least have a significant impact. Hope too for the day when such petitions are no longer needed. Hope for respect and compassion towards all living things. And a hope I’ll always believe… Continue reading