The Happiness Barometer Shocker – Real Trumps Virtual

There’s a new report out, The Happiness Barometer, which like so many studies, presents some earth-shattering and shocking discoveries. Did you know that face-to-face socializing makes us happier than online socializing? Who would have thought? I don’t mean to be so overtly facetious; it just strikes me as funny when… Continue reading

Special Offers this Earth Day…Week

As Earth Day approaches, many companies are offering incentives to buy green products. While obviously a marketing/business decision, this one does serve a double purpose. Many of us tend to wait for sales or other kinds of discounts like coupons and special offers to save some money, but these green… Continue reading

Absurd News to Porch Light Peeve

You know how certain crazy and really inconsequential news stories can sometimes become far bigger than their limited significance warrants? I’m thinking things like Balloon Boy or Tiger’s indiscretions. I have a theory about why such stories catch our interest despite our best efforts to dismiss them. Let me know… Continue reading

ABI’s Guide to MP3 Players

One of the things I really like about is that they are always continuing to address, and be responsive to, what their readers are wanting to know. Obviously not every article or post will satisfy everyone, but they offer a very welcoming experience to those who like me, knew… Continue reading