Why is it we’re never satisfied? New and improved. We seem inundated with these three little words.
Maybe it’s our instinctive competitive nature, stronger in some than others, that drives us to want to be better, more successful, know more, make more money, have more stuff, and for that stuff to be better and better too. While some goals are more laudable than others, sometimes I wonder if our seemingly constant need for the new and improved ends up speaking more to our discontent with the present. If we’re so focused, almost fixated on change, when do we ever get to enjoy what already is?
Not that I’m in favour of stagnation or being in a rut, of not pushing yourself or your limits, but sometimes change seems to be done just for the sake of change. To be able to sit back and say you added your own personal stamp on something, regardless of whether it’s really a betterment. How many times have we found some product or another that has been ‘new and improved,’ but we can only see the ‘new’ part of that change. Just exactly where is the supposed improvement?
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I realize the over-simplification of my thinking concerning the economy, inflation, and supply and demand, but sometimes it seems we end up spiraling downward when our goal has been moving up. Ignoring established financial theory, there’s a part of me that wonders why prices have to go up. It’s so circular with higher wages demanded to pay the higher prices, and prices going up to cover the higher wages. It just seems to go round and round, leaving us worse off than we were before. The lessening buying power of our dollars or euros or yen, reports indicating our wages are not keeping up with inflation, previous generations of families living fine on just one income not two, the list goes on. Again, just where is the supposed improvement?
New and improved. Give me more. It feels like a big game of one-up-man-ship. Kind of like that ‘hand over hand baseball bat thing’ to see whose hand ends up on top to determine who bats first. Except that we’re using a baseball bat that doesn’t have an end. We’re just constantly going hand over hand, like Sisyphus pushing that rock eternally up the mountain. Maybe instead, he should have just sat down on the rock, and been happy right where he was.