BP Cartoon Break

Not that I want to put my head in the sand, hide from view of the damage caused by human arrogance and denial, (BP anyone?), but perhaps a dip or two into the sand is allowed. Part of what makes the ongoing insanity in the Gulf of Mexico even more sickening and painful is exactly what also makes our world so beautiful. The thought of losing part of our environment is all too fast becoming a reality, as tarry sludge balls, increasing rapidly in size, are washing up on our shores. Maybe sticking my head into that sand isn’t such a bright idea anymore.

langtooncolor052410_500 BP cartoonI don’t mean to make light of it, but humour has long been a tool for dealing with what we have no words for, what’s overwhelming us. Why am I thinking just now of The Mary Tyler Moore Show when Mary Richards had that uncontrollable laughing scene. The line between laughing and crying is nearly nonexistent, illustrated perfectly at Chuckles the Clown’s funeral after he, dressed as a peanut, was crushed to death by an elephant. Of course, once the minister gave his OK for the laughing release, Mary burst into uncontrollable tears.

Mario Bros BP cartoonThe idea that we live in such a volatile world – in so many ways and for so many reasons – is pretty overwhelming, back to that head in the sand sentiment. Often we’re left with such an individual sense of helplessness and frustration at things both beyond our control, and out of our control. We can look for things to do to help, even if it’s just little things like sending off hair to make oil booms and such, using less oil so there’s less demand for a limited and hard to reach supply, and favouring items that are less energy demanding and may even use free solar power. And demand more money research, development, and construction money be spent on clean, environmentally friendly energy sources like wind and solar power.
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BP gas hose to headI do not mean nuclear – it bothers me no end when people talk about this as being a clean source focusing on the immediate creation/use of it and somehow magically ignoring the unavoidable radioactive waste created and the potential for nuclear accidents which have the ability to decimate life as we know it – Chernobyl anyone? Accidents, be they with oil drilling/tanker traffic or nuclear reactors, will happen, just a matter of when. Accidents are not ‘on purposes” and sometimes we forget that.

BP-spewing-6-16-10-color by David HorseyHopefully putting pressure on the powers that be, from politicians to government regulators to those directly responsible for this mess in the Gulf, and all the other environmental disasters lurking, hopefully that can do some good. But too often we’re left further disillusioned and frustrated at the lack of progress or common sense. And we are tempted to find some more sand for our saddened heads. Like a good cry, or good sand bath, we all need a break sometimes. But afterwards hopefully our strength is renewed. We can brush the sand from our eyes and forge ahead.
BP fox in henhouse

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