While I don’t want to turn cats and dogs into fellow couch potatoes, and nothing beats the great outdoors and fresh air, there are times when indoor entertainment has a place. Roaming free is just not a safe option in most places anymore, not to mention leash laws and needed respect for neighbours and neighbouring property. Few people appreciate have their gardens dug up by visiting cats. Others object to the catching of birds, though it must be remembered these same cats are catching rodents as well. Nature finds its balance; the biggest problems occur when we interfere, and throw things off.
And while there are off-leash areas for dogs, it’s rarer to find such areas with rabbits and squirrels to chase. Instincts run strong in our domesticated beasts, but our urban environments restrict exercising these instincts. Cars, raccoons, and cat fights. There’s a reason indoor cats live longer than outdoor ones. And again it’s that balancing act – weighing protection against over-protection. I wrote an article at Helium.com on leash training your cat. Not just a dog option anymore. That’s just one way to increase freedom and outdoor time. Enclosures and other types of fenced in areas can help strike a balance as well. Dogs have more options thanks to those off-leash areas.
But still, whatever outdoor options are entertained, there will be times when our animals are inside and can get a little bored. Times when it’s not practical or possible to go outside. Not as a pure substitute, but hopefully an adjunct – enter television. Sound like a crazy idea? Maybe, maybe not. How many of us have caught a dog or cat watching TV, some movement catching their eye? We had one cat who was fascinated by it, would go behind the set looking for those beings in the magic box.
Our first kitty video was Video Catnip, back in the VHS days. Bailey has been known to watch that for up to 30 minutes at a stretch. Sitting on a chair, eyes glued to the images, and ears piqued to the sounds, of birds and squirrels. And no one gets hurt, no one gets chased, no one gets eaten. The chattering of a pussycat when they see a bird in real life is often all too brief. The bird has no desire to stick around and become someone’s dinner. But on screen, no such worries. The natural images and sounds of the wild served up for as long as puddy wants.
Now we also have a DVD that adds butterflies, mice, and fish to the mix of birds and squirrels, Pet Qwerks Kitty Goes Hunting & Fishing DVD Movie for Cats. More sounds, more images, more animals, more wild world to watch when indoors. And it’s not just for cats anymore, there are several DVDs for dogs, including Dog Sitter DVDs Vol. I
. “Since dogs can hear 10 times better than humans, these DVDs are loaded with up to 8 layers of sounds…your dog will love hearing the subliminal messages of “Good Dog! Good Dog!” They also feature the addition of larger animals like raccoons, cats, and other dogs. Bigger challenges to go with all those birds and squirrels.
Another way to connect with nature. We can’t have it all, and just as there are places in our world we will never see first hand, our eyes and minds can go anywhere in the world – with DVD, see anything anyone has ever seen and filmed. Who knows, you may even find yourself watching a DVD through your cat or dog’s eyes. The only remaining question, who brings the popcorn?
While it’s popping, here are all the DVDs I’ve found to captivate and entertain our furry pals. I’m a loyal Only Natural Pet Store customer myself, and a huge fan of their food, supplements, accessories, and toys, as well as their prices and friendly, fast service. In addition to offering free shipping on many orders, they have a special 5% off for new customers. When checking out, just enter the following Coupon Code: CJ15.
OOh I love this, what a fantastic idea! My cats are all indoor cats and they will really enjoy their new video I am just going to buy for them.