Absurd News to Porch Light Peeve

You know how certain crazy and really inconsequential news stories can sometimes become far bigger than their limited significance warrants? I’m thinking things like Balloon Boy or Tiger’s indiscretions. I have a theory about why such stories catch our interest despite our best efforts to dismiss them. Let me know what you think.

I wonder if part of the reason, aside from the shock or disbelief factor, is that we may want to watch the news, want to be kept up to date, feel a part of the community, and be well informed of the world’s goings on, but, deep down maybe the real world news, the actually important news stories, are just too awful.

We want news, but not that news. Not stories of wars, famines, torture, poverty, economic disasters, or global warming and the general pollution of our planet. These things matter so much, that it becomes almost too much. While the need to be informed remains, I think the escape into news of the absurd and trivial gives welcome relief. And after all, how can the world be that bad if the biggest news story on TV, is some silver flying saucer balloon released by seekers of another 15 minutes of fame? Oddly reassuring.

I wonder too, if that’s part of the reason for pet peeves. In the grand scheme of things, they’re usually hardly anything worth getting upset about. Still, ranting goes on about the little things that irk us. I thought it might be interesting from time to time to discuss such annoyances. It can feel good when someone commiserates with you about some little gripe, reminds you you’re not the only one who thinks that way. Makes you feel more entitled to your perhaps petty opinion, gives you an added sense of being right, for whatever that’s worth.

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So my peeve here is just why are so many porch lights on in the middle of the day, day after day? Sometimes multiple exterior lights per residence, all gleaming away in the bright sunlight. If a guest is to arrive once dark, why light the way hours before? And surely they can’t all be on just waiting for the occupants’ dark return from work so many hours later. What about motion sensors for the lights, energy used only when needed, security assured, perhaps even more security than a light on without variation.

Just habit perhaps? Not calculating the costs, either to consumer or planet. How often do we hear complaints about the price of electricity? Or of the damage to the planet as we generate that energy. It just seems like such a pretty easy way to save a bit, and without any real inconvenience that I can see.

Free will to do as we wish as long as we don’t hurt each other, that’s as it should be. I don’t want to be my brother’s keeper, or he mine. We have too many minor laws as it is. (Another peeve, another topic, for another day.) And maybe I’m missing some point or reason many of these lights need to be on. But when I see all those porch lights just burning away, redundantly serving to light the day…well, a pet peeve. And if even for moment, such minor irks are the biggest concerns we have to talk about, well, maybe that’s oddly reassuring too.

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