Surfing Dolphins at Play

I just saw a clip of the 2003 BBC “Wildlife on One” episode Dolphins: Deep Thinkers, narrated by David Attenborough. It’s a video of dolphins living where they should be. Swimming and surfing freely in the wide open oceans. Whenever we have the privilege of seeing wild animals in their… Continue reading

More SeaWorld Deaths – Whales This Time

I went searching for any kind of update on Tilikum, wondering if any changes were in the offing regarding whales in captivity. I found little new about Tilikum himself, but did learn that, “Two killer whales at SeaWorld Orlando are pregnant, with one due in a matter of weeks. SeaWorld… Continue reading

Report Just Released – More on Tilikum

This past Wednesday, the Orlando County Sheriff’s Office released the investigative report into the tragic death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau on February 24th 2010. The medical examiner determined she died of drowning and blunt-force trauma, but for those interested in the gory details, and painful timeline of events, this… Continue reading

Toto Watch Out For Dr. Oz

I have a sick feeling in my stomach as I write this. In fact I wish I didn’t have to talk about this subject. That it just didn’t exist. But it does. I posted recently about the recent tragedies at SeaWorld – both the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau and… Continue reading

Whales Au Naturel

I just saw an incredible clip of Jean-Michel Cousteau commenting on that tragedy at SeaWorld, and so want to share it below. In 2 minutes, he provides so much information and understanding of the situation, all intercut with video of orcas both free in the ocean, and captive in tanks.… Continue reading

Tilikum in a Tub

The tragic death last week of a trainer at SeaWorld in Florida, seems to have re-energized the long-standing debate over animal captivity. While I in no way wish to minimize the loss and devastation of this trainer’s family and friends, I can’t help but wonder just when will we stop… Continue reading