Plastic Garbage for the Albatross' Dinner

We have virtually instant access these days to an almost unimaginable wealth of information. Just type a search into Google or your engine of choice, and the world is at your fingertips, almost literally. But it comes at a price. For with all the stuff we want to see, comes… Continue reading

Why Daylight Saving Time?

Here we are again. Another first Monday after the annual ritual of springing ahead. Why do we do this to ourselves? Or more importantly, why are we forced to do so? Why do we rather arbitrarily have to adjust our internal clocks back and forth? Like a little time teeter… Continue reading

Freeze-Dried Food Freedom

Believe it or not, there’s actually one thing I don’t like about frozen raw pet food – it needs power to keep it frozen. Well, at least where we live. Maybe a move to the Arctic is worth considering… But when the food supply for your animals depends on freezers,… Continue reading

Green Tripe Nutritional Gold

Just what is green tripe? Let’s just say, I try to forget I’m a vegetarian when I think of what I feed the carnivores in our family… There’s detailed information available at , which includes, “tripe is the stomach of ruminating animals. These animals (i.e. cattle, buffalo, sheep, deer,… Continue reading

Glass Not Half Anything

141317.first panel Rose is RoseMy father had some great ways of looking at things. I asked him once about the whole glass half empty versus half full metaphor for life. His answer wasn’t what I expected. He just matter-of-factly and confidently stated his wasn’t either one. His glass was completely full. He had this great grin on his face. So peaceful. He refused to accept that things were limited, or at least that’s how I interpreted it. Continue reading

Nature's Cat Food

We had already seen many dramatic health improvements from feeding raw to our animals: better coats, weight control, breath and teeth, body functions in general, healthier immune systems, and just plain friskier with more energy. But about five years ago another rather big diet modification became necessary. This incredible cat… Continue reading

Functional Medicine

In a couple of earlier posts I spoke of homeopathy, a medicinal art I feel very passionate about and have seen do amazing things. But that does not mean I don’t look to other ways of healing as well. Alternative, complementary, integrative medicine, whatever name you want to use, there… Continue reading

What's In Dinner?

I saw a commercial today that actually made an interesting point. It spoke of the much greater frequency of the question, “What’s for dinner?” rather than, “What’s in dinner?” Change one simple little preposition and the entire meaning changes. While advertising a product I would still not consider all that… Continue reading