Flying Time

It’s been a while since my last blog entry. I’d forgo the cliché of saying “how time flies” except it’s obviously too late for me to do that now. But there’s a reason clichés are clichés, they often hold a certain truth that can be universally felt. And maybe they become annoying to hear for that exact reason: “We already know it’s blatantly true without bothering to say or hear it.” Hmmm…I don’t think I want to think about how much time just flew by as I typed these non-words of wisdom…

The events of the last couple of years have been very life-changing for me, in that big-picture, how-I-see-the-world-and-what-I want-to-do-in-it-while-I’m-here sort of way. Funny how dealing with the death of loved ones, or other challenges of life, can end up making you feel more alive than ever. Continue reading

Printer Use According to Marcus the Cat

One of the great things about kids and animals are there automatic and uninhibited reactions to things. I think that’s one of the reasons we love watching animals and little kids enjoy the world. And hopefully it’s not just vicariously enjoying their silly fun, but making it our own as… Continue reading

Message Sometimes Received – Childlike Glee a No-No

For many reasons I’ve always really liked that ‘be childlike not childish’ adage. I wonder where, or should I say when, we tend to lose that innate wide-eyed innocence and sense of fun that is hopefully typical of childhood. I’m guessing as with most things, it’s due to a combination… Continue reading

Snow Dogs Have the Right Idea

At a time of year when I’m more likely to be thinking of snow cones than actual snow, I was sent this great winter video (see below). Two dogs, with one appearing to take the lead, are having a fine time goofing around in the snow. They have absolutely no… Continue reading