WePad to Compete with iPad

Choice is good. Both in terms of the act of choosing and as a range of options from which to choose. That’s why I’m so glad to see more and more different tablet computers entering the market. Many owe their success and greater notoriety to Apple. Just as they did… Continue reading

No to Hallucinogenic Anesthesia for Animals

Life is best when you and your loved ones all feel great. Nothing drives this point home more than when one member falls ill. And this subject is always easier to discuss when the former is your reality. Sometimes it’s easier to prepare ahead of time for what may lie… Continue reading

Benefits of Organic Down to Our Shoes

The benefits of organic are wonderfully far-reaching. Fewer chemicals ingested, less spread about our soil and in our air and water, a healthier environment for workers both in the fields and in the factories, not to mention less chance of messing up Mother Nature with untold, potentially irreversible changes to… Continue reading

Nature's Cat Food

We had already seen many dramatic health improvements from feeding raw to our animals: better coats, weight control, breath and teeth, body functions in general, healthier immune systems, and just plain friskier with more energy. But about five years ago another rather big diet modification became necessary. This incredible cat… Continue reading

Functional Medicine

In a couple of earlier posts I spoke of homeopathy, a medicinal art I feel very passionate about and have seen do amazing things. But that does not mean I don’t look to other ways of healing as well. Alternative, complementary, integrative medicine, whatever name you want to use, there… Continue reading

Welcome to my new blog!

If you were looking for Elizabeth Ely’s Harp Page (my previous incarnation as a harpist) it’s alive and well offering sound clips, CDs, and little harp ramblings just as before. However, it’s address is now www.elizabethely.com/harp What you will now find at www.elizabethely.com aka Elizabeth Ely dot Com are the… Continue reading