Earth Lifetime Not Earth Hour

Happy Earth Hour! Lights out for an hour. But not me. Surprising to hear? Let me explain my thinking. On the surface it may seem an admirable energy saving idea, and a way to bring home the importance of energy conservation, of valuing the earth. But does it not also… Continue reading

Mermaid Tears – Plastic Health Danger

Besides the dangers of ocean plastic consumption to the albatross and other birds and marine life, there are the dangers to the entire food chain. By being the animal who eats those who have eaten others, we have no real predator ourselves. As such, we humans ultimately get all the… Continue reading

Plastic Ocean…What Now?

So what to do about all that plastic in our oceans? In Algae Marine Research Foundation founder Charles Moore’s words, the only thing we can do is stop polluting and hope the system can clean itself up in the in hundreds of years…[and give the ocean] time to spit it… Continue reading

Plastic Garbage for the Albatross' Dinner

We have virtually instant access these days to an almost unimaginable wealth of information. Just type a search into Google or your engine of choice, and the world is at your fingertips, almost literally. But it comes at a price. For with all the stuff we want to see, comes… Continue reading

Absurd News to Porch Light Peeve

You know how certain crazy and really inconsequential news stories can sometimes become far bigger than their limited significance warrants? I’m thinking things like Balloon Boy or Tiger’s indiscretions. I have a theory about why such stories catch our interest despite our best efforts to dismiss them. Let me know… Continue reading

Working with Semantics

Yesterday’s musings on work-life balance as opposed to that of life-work, got me thinking about another choice of words. Why don’t we say work-play balance instead? Isn’t the opposite of work more accurately ‘play’ than ‘life’? And wouldn’t the opposite then to pair with ‘life’, more accurately be ‘death’? Now… Continue reading