Rat and Cat – Kiss and Hug

Ready for another animal friends video? This one features another unexpected pairing – a cat and a rat. There’s a couple of rats actually, but one seems particularly affectionate and intrigued by this feline. In all fairness, Ranj the rat seems to be rather more interested in Peanut the cat,… Continue reading

Still More Info on Tobacco Testing on Animals

The power of the internet never ceases to amaze me. The worldwide instant communication with people you’d never otherwise come into contact with truly makes our world feel as small as we know it is. This was brought home to me again when I received an email just a few… Continue reading

More Information on Animal Testing by Tobacco Companies

A recent comment to my post “Tobacco Companies Still Testing on Dogs” asked for more evidence that animal testing was still going on, how he hoped it would have stopped by now. I thought this was a good opportunity to share what I’ve found beyond what I’ve already posted. The… Continue reading

Tobacco Companies Still Testing on Dogs

I mentioned last week that I was going to be writing about some really horrific animal testing that was begin done by tobacco companies. Well, here it is. Horrible as it is to think about, I couldn’t let anymore time pass before writing about, and sharing this information. Vivisection can… Continue reading