Palm Oil Production – Orangutans Extinct in 10 Years?

We hear about good oils and bad oils – the eating kind not the crude kind – as they relate to our health. And we hear about the bad done to our planet because of the latter, but not usually the former. But it turns out great damage is being… Continue reading

Grocery Store Wars Video Still Playing

I first saw this great little video parody when it first came out a few years ago, but I hadn’t seen it since. I’m so glad Grocery Store Wars is still floating about as it was really fun to see it again. A classic example of how humour can deliver… Continue reading

Buy or Make Your Own Solar Oven

Did you ever try that goofy idea that seems to just float about, the one where you cook an egg on the hot pavement? Well, I confess I have, tried that is, without much success. Maybe got just a little of the edges almost to turn opaque. But it was… Continue reading

New and Improved – An Improvement?

Why is it we’re never satisfied? New and improved. We seem inundated with these three little words. Maybe it’s our instinctive competitive nature, stronger in some than others, that drives us to want to be better, more successful, know more, make more money, have more stuff, and for that stuff… Continue reading

17th Century Predictions of Robert Boyle Came True

The Royal Society in London, England, is currently celebrating its 350th anniversary with an artifact exhibit which includes a fascinating Robert Boyle document. Scientist Robert Boyle was one of the society’s founders, but what makes him even more noteworthy is that he created a “wish list” of sorts in the… Continue reading

Not Just Antioxidants – More Reasons to Eat Dark Chocolate

What a glorious day, just found another reason to eat chocolate, the decadent treat so loved by many. While we’ve known for a while that dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, not to mention flavour, did you know (in descending order*) it’s high in manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,… Continue reading

TV Ad Campaign Deemed Too Suggestive

Ah the invincibility of youth, or at least the perceived invincibility. And the incredulity of decision makers, advertisers and government officials in this case. But that feeling of being invincible, that sense of immortality that can come with youth, was reaffirmed in drinking and driving surveys of “young men [which]… Continue reading

Bacterium in Dirt Makes Us Smarter and Happier

What do you know? It turns out digging in the dirt is even better for you than I thought. I love coincidences. Maybe it’s just the universe having fun with us, or maybe it’s a tool to help get a point across to us we might otherwise miss, were it… Continue reading

Coffee Cons Confuted

Yesterday I talked, well typed, about the many health advantages of coffee. Today I’d like to focus on the con side. Well, more accurately, the perceived con side. Aside from the fact that coffee, and other caffeinated beverages, are mostly water and therefore inherently hydrating, it’s been a long held… Continue reading

More Evidence Coffee is Good for Us

They say you can prove anything with statistics, and there’s probably a survey or study out there to support just about anything, so it’s no wonder it’s hard to know what to do sometimes. Given our propensity to believe the worst, and indeed the reality that many things we enjoy… Continue reading