Newly Discovered Species for New Hope

At a time when marine life is facing unimaginable threats thanks to BP’s Deepwater Horizon fiasco, I thought it might be heartening to be reminded that we’re still discovering new species with which we share our world. While not new in terms of existence, as far as we know, they… Continue reading

Gambling on Ships and Oil Rigs

Something struck me today, not a bolt of lightening, more like an iceberg, or maybe a drilling rig. I don’t know why I hadn’t already connected the two before. April 14th 1912 (technically April 15th 1912 at 2:20AM) the ship that couldn’t sink sank. April 20th 2010 the deepwater drilling… Continue reading

Tobacco Companies Still Testing on Dogs

I mentioned last week that I was going to be writing about some really horrific animal testing that was begin done by tobacco companies. Well, here it is. Horrible as it is to think about, I couldn’t let anymore time pass before writing about, and sharing this information. Vivisection can… Continue reading

DVD Indoor Fun for Cats and Dogs

While I don’t want to turn cats and dogs into fellow couch potatoes, and nothing beats the great outdoors and fresh air, there are times when indoor entertainment has a place. Roaming free is just not a safe option in most places anymore, not to mention leash laws and needed… Continue reading

Bacterium in Dirt Makes Us Smarter and Happier

What do you know? It turns out digging in the dirt is even better for you than I thought. I love coincidences. Maybe it’s just the universe having fun with us, or maybe it’s a tool to help get a point across to us we might otherwise miss, were it… Continue reading

What Else Will Germ-Killing Paper Towels Kill?

What is this thing we have about germs? Easy to forget sometimes we are a bacteria factory ourselves, and supposed to be that way. We could never digest food if we didn’t have this symbiotic relationship with these little organisms. I remember being freaked out as a kid when I… Continue reading

Just a Cat, a Seagull, and a Bowl of Food

cat and seagull video clip
As promised yesterday, here’s a fun and simply feel good post. As luck would have it I was just sent this little video today – talk about providence.

The unexpected interactions among animals, at least as far as we’re concerned, continue to amaze and delight those of us lucky enough to see their antics, and often just their everyday cute behaviour. Whether it’s that Continue reading

Snow Dogs Have the Right Idea

At a time of year when I’m more likely to be thinking of snow cones than actual snow, I was sent this great winter video (see below). Two dogs, with one appearing to take the lead, are having a fine time goofing around in the snow. They have absolutely no… Continue reading

Head-Scratcher of a Seal Ad Campaign

Interesting how sometimes things backfire, garnering the opposite reaction to what was intended. It appears that may have happened to the “Canadian Seal Marketing Group [that] works with the Fur Council of Canada (FCC), the non-profit federation for fur trade members that includes processors, designers, auction houses and retail furriers.”… Continue reading

Hairy Help for the Gulf of Mexico

Sometimes problems are so big, so overwhelming in scope and devastation, that I simply don’t know where to begin to even start processing the information. The anger, the sadness, the shock just too much. Then again, why should we really be so shocked. Certainly not the first oil spill, and… Continue reading