Benefits of Organic Down to Our Shoes

The benefits of organic are wonderfully far-reaching. Fewer chemicals ingested, less spread about our soil and in our air and water, a healthier environment for workers both in the fields and in the factories, not to mention less chance of messing up Mother Nature with untold, potentially irreversible changes to… Continue reading

Free Mouse Clicks Generate Donations

Even though many of us are still going through some pretty tough financial times, there’s still a way to help some great causes. Ways that don’t cost us a single cent. But thanks to some great sponsors, every time we click at the following sites, they make a donation to… Continue reading

Titanic Sank 98 Years Ago Today

If there had been no iceberg in its path 98 years ago, we likely would hardly even remember the name Titanic. But there was, and we do. Some of us maybe think of it more than others, but it’s forever in our history as the ship that couldn’t sink, but… Continue reading

And Now the Least Green Electronics Companies

It seemed like if I was going to talk about the 5 greenest electronics companies, I should also address the five least green. Guide to Greener Electronics – The Bottom 5: Dell – Reduced score on energy criteria and penalty point for delaying toxics phase out till 2011. Score: 3.9… Continue reading

Which Electronics Companies Are Greenest?

As I was searching for information on Apple’s iPad and possible alternatives, I came across something very impressive about Apple, and a few other top electronics manufacturers. Since August 2006, Greenpeace has been periodically releasing updated versions of their Guide to Greener Electronics that “ranks the 18 top manufacturers of… Continue reading

Let There Be LED Light

Bright Star earth led lightbulb
We are encouraged to switch from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) in the name of the energy conservation and the environment. I have long had a problem though with the mercury, albeit a small amount, that is in CFLs. It just seems an odd thing to bring more of into our homes, rather than less, when we now know how bad mercury exposure is. Continue reading

Why Can’t the Seal Hunt Be Debated?

It seems you can debate just about any issue in Canada except one. In fact, the seal hunt is the only issue I’ve written about that received near immediate opposing comments from Canadian government employees apparently. Clearly a hot button issue politically, Senator Mac Harb has said, “I wanted to… Continue reading

Easter Fun – Cyber and Not

Easter fun doesn’t just have to be for kids. A kid at heart, and hopefully always to be one, I still get a kick out of silly little things. Sometimes there’s a nostalgic element, like decorating eggs with those little colour pellets dissolved in vinegar. Other times it’s something new,… Continue reading

Atom Split, Now Smashed

Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite, was a pacifist who intended his creation to help people. Among other things, he wanted to make explosives safer to use, thereby making mining safer. And that, “My dynamite will sooner lead to peace than a thousand world conventions. As soon as men will find… Continue reading

Does the Size of Numbers Matter?

We often hear how X number of millions or billions, or even trillions of dollars have been spent doing such and such. Or how many carbon emissions are being spewed or credits traded. Like with anything we hear often enough, we can become almost desensitized to it. The numbers don’t… Continue reading